All abstracts must be submitted electronically using the link provided on the conference website.
- Abstracts must be written clearly in English with Times New Roman font, and font size 12
- Abstracts must be submitted before or on 30th June 2022
- Abstracts should be based on any of the areas as listed in the themes of the conference
- Abstracts must report the results of original research or other activity of significant merit that relate to PGPR and its allied fields
- Abstracts must not be a review or progress report
- Abstracts should not include references or footnotes
- Abstracts submitted should be in the final form without grammatical, typographical, or factual errors
- Abstracts should not exceed 300 words
- Abstracts must include – Introduction (which states the problem statement), Objectives, Methodology, Results, and Conclusion/Significance of the research to the science of PGPR in ONE paragraph
- A sample of Abstract can be downloaded here
- For further details please visit:
- Abstract submission: [email protected]; [email protected]
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