Greetings from Asian PGPR for Sustaiable Agriculture – Malaysian Chapter,
It is with great pleasure to announce that in conjunction with the first AGM, we are organizing a pre-AGM talk entitled “Back2Nature Regenerative Farm: An Amazing Story of the Living Soil” by Dr. Ho Ting Seng (Regenerative Agriculture Specialist).
We would be delighted to have you to attend our Pre-AGM Talk scheduled as follows:
Date: 7th March 2024
Time: 9.00 am – 11.00 am
Venue: Dewan Pertanian, Fakulti Pertanian, UPM
Registration link : https://forms.gle/dw3DyiQxoYqhi5yr6

Admission is free for all (non-member and members of Asian PGPR for Sustainable Agriculture – Malaysian Chapter). Kindly refer to the attached poster (PDF) for further details.
We eagerly anticipate your presence at the event. Kindly register by 4th March 2024 to entitle for a door gift with the society’s logo.
Thank you,
Warm regards,
Asian PGPR Society for Sustainable Agriculture – Malaysian Chapter
(Malaysian PGPR Society)
Website: https://pgpr.org.my
Email: [email protected]
[Last Update: 2024-02-21]